St Mary in Window 3 St Mary's, Fairford

St Mary's Church

St Mary's, Fairford Angel in Window 1

Welcome to our website

St Mary’s is a friendly, welcoming church which offers a range of worship from Common Worship to the Book of Common Pray and including Family Services, Healing Services, Youth Services and many ‘special’ services, at Christmas and Easter for instance.

It is a lovely late medieval church with magnificent windows and many other historic features, yet not a museum. The reordering that has taken place allows better views of the historic parts of the building (partly due to the improved lighting system), has enhanced our worship and also made it possible to host other events such as concerts. Our sound system includes an induction loop to assist the hard of hearing.

We have a large robed choir, who assist our worship and also sing for most of the many weddings held at St Mary’s. Some of the choir also moonlight as our Music Group, providing more informal accompaniment when appropriate!

Children are most welcome at St Mary’s and the building is both pushchair and wheelchair friendly. In addition to the regular services there is a popular Holiday Club during the summer and other events during the year, including a Crib Service at which there is standing room only.

St Mary’s is a church founded in the praise and worship of God. We have a strong and active congregation who invite you to share in our worship, come to our special events, find peace and quiet or lots of noisy fun – we really do have something for everyone.

So, visitor or newcomer, we welcome you.

The Rev’d Caroline Symcox, Vicar
01285 712467

The Rev’d Canon Denise Hyde, Associate Priest
01285 713285

The Rev’d Caroline Symcox

The Reverend Denise Hyde

Churchwarden: Christine Benzie
Churchwarden: David Salter
Organist/Choir Mistress: Jean Kilgariff
Assistant Organist: Diana Lee-Browne
Tower Captain: Peter Harris
Tower Secretary: Barbara Lyne
Flowers: Heather Gorton
PCC Secretary: Vacant
PCC Treasurer: Jos Price
Planned Giving/Gift Aid Secretary: Kathleen Price
Electoral Roll Officer: Heather Gorton
Churchwatch (Stewards): Roy Phillips (01793 751585)
Deanery Youth Worker: Chris Saunders

Copyright © St Mary's Parochial Church Council 2010-2024